Drath Dunost
World of Ci'taept

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Known World
Drath Dunost

Known Settlements
Cross Roads
Ocean Wave
Dwarven Camp
Zar Kestal

East of Cross Roads, deep in the forest, you will run into the none-living. Creations to protect... a test of creations to learn more about the living and the dead, you will find Sonjie behind the scene. With his known name, Clem Sil, this wizard of study in Necromancy will bring any dead to be an abomination of what they use to be.

Sonjie has been warning the Wizard council that hard time will be arriving soon. The council told him, when he was just a student, that what ever comes, the council will be one of the protectors. Sonjie realized that he was not a voice to be listened too. When he got enough training that he knew that the council will not teach him more, Sonjie treked out on his own. Now, people fear that he was the one that he was talking about. As the storm brews, the question now stands is, where is he hiding.

What people did not know was that Sonjie himself is an abomination himself. As a Dhampir, death was always something that pulled him to Necromancy.
Monsters in Drath Dunost
  Gremlin, Monaciello
  Sonjie Aaron Calmar

Travelers of Drath Dunost
  Ridleen Bushwalker