Galactic War
Arkane Angel's Galactic War
Version: 0.19.15

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October 20, 2019
Exploration is creaping up on Galactic War. At the moment, once you install a Long Range Scanner into the Space Station, you can view the sectors that surround you main base of operations. The map system indicates who owns sectors, Stations, and ships in the sectors.

June 29, 2019
With each small fix and addition to Galactic War, the closer we are to exploring space. The Space Station has come a long way and now allows players to have ships travel from planet to space station. Construction of the space station has grown and allows assigned workers to build different components.
Componets for space travel are being added... like Jump Drives!

May 26, 2019
The map system has had an update where the player that owns that sector can re-name the planet through their player main page. This is the next step in getting ready for Space Travel. Many fixes have been going on with all sections of the game. More products to produce are setting up for Star Ship construction.

April 21, 2019
There has been a change in the construction of the space station. When first constructing it, you where allowed to put 4 components where ever you liked. This had a problem as it would not open up the ability to build the hanger bay. With the slight change and fix, you now need to build all four components before the construction of the hanger bay can happen.
After fixing that, the thought of building the space station quickly became the next part to deal with. If you had the product, the time to move from planet to the station was only one day, and there was no time restrictions on the construction, this problem ends up with a very large station with little time put into it.
The fix ends up that the five components to start the station could be done in one trip, but after that, the components need both worker and time to finish.
With that all happening, we have worked on power. The station needs power to work, the solar panels create the power. The battery stores it while the crew quarters uses it. This has been added into the game to give players more ideas to work with.
All of these testing and tuning is allowing us to understand how we will handle the Star Ships.

March 31, 2019
As the move to the stars, the construction of the space station has been going great. With 1 battery, 1 solar panel, 1 crew quater and 1 cargo hold, the station begins to be constructed.
As soon as four components are complete, you can build your hanger bay to allow for docking and transferal of product. As of the moment, iron and battery can be moved to the cargo hold.
With this big step, the tiny step into space has begun.

December 17, 2018
Galactic War now allows people to put items onto ships and launch them into space. We also see the beginning of the Space Station building.

November 29, 2018
Galactic War shall be the first section that will open up where non-players can see some talk that goes on in the game.

November 25, 2018
In game Private Messages has been added. This ability can open up many possibilities.

November 9, 2018
Ship construction and design are still under development, but are usable. When the ship has finished building, the game now has a Ship Operations section added.
This area is where you can load product and crew. This will also be added to as we grow.

Octorber 19, 2018
The design area for ship building has slowly been growing. Now that we have started with that, Galactic War has now allowed players to not only design, but they can
begin building some of the Vessels.

Sept. 2, 2018
With the updates that have been happening, Galactic War has been progressing at a nice pace. There has been more added that leads closer and closer to being able
to build your ships that will be needed to explore the Worlds around you, and begin to build a bigger and stronger Empire. Get ready to Explore what is not known,
to add to your known knowleged.

Aug. 10, 2018
Building towards Space, Galactic War has taken a big step forward. Now you can unlock the ability to Design Ships. This is a great move towards the Galactic War.
With more things to decide on how to build your Empire, now you can begin looking at your location and decide on how you will explore further then your home planet

July 18, 2018
Many Changes have occured in Galactic War. The newer ones are Races and Map added. Brings in a new way of looking at the game. Galactic War has become a game where
the players make more and more choices that will affect the game play. This is not just true about what they pick for Schooling and Assignment of Populous, but now
they are now able to Choose an Empire Name, Planet Name, Race Name of their own. With Race comes powers. At the moment, 3 Racial Powers are available to choose from.
As players enter Galactic War, their journey begins, and as soon as they have found a way to get their Empire Space Bound, they can use the Map System to choose which
direction they will go. At the moment, the Map System is open as tests and updates occure to that section of the Game. Enjoy... and prepair for a future of challenges.

May 31, 2018
With every situation, changes happen. Starting at version 0.00.45, the game has taken a big step in giving players more to think about while they build their Empire.
During the... renovations of the game system, the screens have changed and how you set your population working. Spending your funds now have to be really thought
about. With a more advanced system, training, construction, and assigning your populous will test you even more. So, what ever you do... get ready for WAR.

January 20, 2017
The more costs being involved in the War, Banks are looking at ways to generate some funds for Empires (and themselves) by bringing Loans to the Emperors. Use it wisely, may help you out of a crunch at the begining!

December 4, 2016
The war has become a costly adventure, now you have the ability to attack with Hydro Missiles. These Missiles pack a deadly force, so empires have struck at those empires that utilize them as weapons with rogue forces...

October 4, 2016
With the war raging on... Water has been found to be a powerful enimey and ally. If you produce Water from Water planets just to keep you empire growing, or Refine the Water into Hydro, the choice is yours! Hydro Missiles are coming to the battle field!

July 25, 2016
The war has taken on a great change... now you can target your enemies territory and do as much damage as you can. Missiles are three types, Normal, Uranium, and Plutonium. Each one does massive damage, and can actually lessen the planets that are controlled by your targets. Plan wisely, strike hard!

July 10, 2016
The time to update people on a few attacks that have been added into the War. Among the Spy usage, so far, Information gathering, Rogue attacking Rogue, Cash theft, and Food taking have been worked on. Ships can now attack other empires with the Bombardment attack... and now, Regular Missiles can be launched at your enimies.

November 1, 2015
Over the months, the Maintenance of the Rogues have been worked on. This has been challenging, but as things have progressed, some of the tough parts of the code have worked themselves out. Now, that I want to switch tracks, I have started on heating up the War with working on the next section of Maintenance Code. Now, instead of just going after empires with your Rogues, you now can send in the Ships to support the attacks. First wave of attacks being worked on is the Bombardment of your enemies. Be warned, this endevor will not be cheap on your empire. You will need to balance in more then just how many ships you will send, but how much fuel as well. Good luck in your War as the Galaxy heats up even more!

May 7, 2015
With the reconstruction of the Maintenance program, there has been some changes that needed to be done. As I have been working hard to add in more and more to the maintenance, more and more bugs have been developing. Strange how that works! But so far, things have been developing in a nice time frame. With a few errors that seem to confuse me, I would like to say that the Market's Maintenance looks like it is doing well. The Rogue section of the game is being good in that I am able to add on not only Infomation Gathering, but I have also made it that you can attack other Empire's Rogue Section. At moment, while I look at how some bugs can be fixed as I stumble on them, I am also looking on how to add more to the Maintenance Run for Rogue Attacks.

March 13, 2015
There has been change that has slowed down progress... error in the systems, but they have been hunted down and slowly but surely getting eliminated. Now we progress on and continue to modify. The war can only make us stronger, and in the fight against the bug, we have started to get much stronger... we will continue to work on hunting down these bugs, while at the same time work on what we began when the bugs happened so long ago!

January 4, 2014
The new year has come with a lot more explosions then ever before. We have allowed for the lighting up the skies over multiple planets. The Plutonium Missiles are able to be fired at specific planets so that you can attempt to damage your Enemy at the source.
Your Empire grows be locating planets that are out there that are unconquered by sending out Scouts. As your Empire grows larger and larger, there was very little to hold you back until now... now you have to worry about other Empires sending Missiles your way to destroy your Resource Planets. Now you have to decide, do you envest your Cash into finding new planets, or do you put your Cashflow towards protecting and keeping your Enemies at bay?
With that, you can now send out your Rogues to damage also the stock piles of Oil and Gas to help hamper your Enemy. You need to think carefully, use everything that is in your Empire to the best of it's abilities to keep your Empire growing in this Galactic War!

November 7, 2013
Power has got to the heads of the Empires, sending out missiles, destroying what ever they can... but things have changed. The smart have build a Defencive Gird to take down Missiles. But the sneaky have sent in Rogues to damage the Grids. Continue to add on and test... what will happen next in the War?

August 22, 2013
Almost a month after the reset, and many bug hunts and fixes, we now add in a new weapon for Empires to bring to the table. Using Iron and Coal, Missiles can now be purchased.

July 25, 2013
With so much changes that has happened, one thing was not expected... a reset in the game... allowing all players to start their Empires over again...
This time, the reset is for testing purposes... and we have found that errors have been found, and fixed, giving ALL Emperors a good chance of building
a very strong Empire... and still, we have been adding more to the game...

With this reset, we have introduced a new product for you to Mine... Coal! As of the moment, Coal is just a money grab for Empires!...

I would like to give many hints for the Emperors to build a strong Empire... But even I, the one that is building and introducing new and wonderful changes
to the system, really has to learn how to be a good Emperor as well... As of the moment, I can tell you a few things!

1> For any Empire to be successful, you need a strong population. With the start of one planet in your grip, I strongly suggest putting it work right away.
Give your population something to work at, bringing in more population to your empire... but remember to feed them!
2> Another thing to think about is cash... with cash, you can build a strong Empire... Spend it wisely!
3> Have fun, test out different commands, if need be, switch your Planet production around until you find new planets to set to work with...